The Advantages of Image-Guided Radiotherapy Systems
According to Michael Dattoli , image-guided radiation has various advantages. The method offers several advantages, including increased dose delivery precision, enhanced target definition, and minimum or no radiation side effects. The following is a summary of the advantages of image-guided radiation. This information should be helpful to you when selecting a system for your personal practice. The paper will also go over some technical aspects of the technology. The capacity to deliver real-time feedback is a characteristic shared by imaging-guided radiation systems. A camera is often used in these systems to communicate positioning information via a section of the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical navigation has been used in image-guided surgery for approximately ten years, but it is just now making inroads into radiation. By matching the camera to an egocentric reference frame, it provides real-time input. The IGRT system is a cutting-edge imaging device that gives clinicians with re...